Woody Guthrie “New Years Rulin’s”
Woody Guthrie
Year (Maybe)
- Work more and better
- Work by a schedule
- Wash teeth if any
- Shave
- Take bath
- Eat good — fruit — vegetables — milk
- Drink very scant if any
- Write a song a day
- Wear clean clothes — look good
- Shine shoes
- Change socks
- Change bed cloths often
- Read lots good books
- Listen to radio a lot
- Learn people better
- Keep rancho clean
- Dont get lonesome
- Stay glad
- Keep hoping machine running
- Dream good
- Bank all extra money
- Save dough
- Have company but dont waste time
- Send Mary and kids money
- Play and sing good
- Dance better
- Help win war — beat fascism
- Love mama
- Love papa
- Love Pete
- Love everybody
- Make up your mind
- Wake up and fight