Chivas Regal “Father’s Day”

Year (Maybe)

Because I've known you all my life. Because a red Rudge bicycle once made me the happiest boy on the street. Because you let me play cricket on the lawn. Because you used to dance in the kitchen with a tea-towel round your waist. Because your cheque book was always busy on my behalf. Because our house was always full of books and laughter. Because of countless Saturday mornings you gave up to watch a small boy play rugby. Because you never expected too much of me or let me get away with too little. Because of all the nights you sat working at your desk while I lay sleeping in my bed. Because you never embarrassed me by talking about the birds and the bees. Because I know there's a faded newspaper clipping in your wallet about my scholarship. Because you always made me polish the heels of my shoes as brightly as the toes. Because you’ve remembered my birthday 38 times out of 38. Because you still hug me when we meet. Because you still buy my mother flowers. Because you've more than your fair share of grey hairs and I know who helped put them there. Because you're a marvelous grandfather. Because you made my wife feel one of the family. Because you wanted to go to McDonalds the last time I bought you lunch. Because you've always been there when I've needed you. Because you let me make my own mistakes and never once said "I told you so.” Because you still pretend you only need glasses for reading. Because I don't say thank you as often as I should. Because it's Father's Day Because if you don't deserve Chivas Regal, who does?