Girl Effect "The Clock is Ticking”

Year (Maybe)

We have a situation on our hands. And the clock is ticking.
When a girl turns 12 and lives in poverty her future is out of her control.
In the eyes of many, she’s a woman now. No, really she is.
She faces the reality of being married by the age of 14.
Pregnant by the time she’s 15.
And if she survives childbirth she might have to sell her body to support her family. Which puts her at risk for contracting and spreading HIV.
Not the life you imagined for a 12-year-old, right?
But the good news is, there is a solution.
Let’s rewind to her at 12. Happy and healthy. She visits a doctor regularly. She stays in school. Where she’s safe. She uses her education to earn a living.
Now, she’s calling the shots. And it looks something like this:
She can avoid HIV. She can marry and have children when she’s ready. And her children are healthy like she is. Now imagine this continuing for generation after generation.
You get the picture, right? 50 million 12-year-old-girls in poverty. Equal 50 million solutions. This is the power of the Grirl Effect. That starts with a 12-year old girl. And impacts the world.
The clock is ticking.