According to science, 10 out of 10 men have feelings. But some men find it hard to talk about those feelings. Things like anger, relationships, substance abuse, stress, and more.
That’s why Man Therapy created a manly mental health assessment that doesn’t require words—only bullets. Introducing shootable mental health assessments that put the biggest issues men face right in the crosshairs.
Allow me to demonstrate. Bullseyes.
If your results look any different than mine, or you’re just feeling off target, Man Therapy can help. Take the 18 point head inspection at
That’s why Man Therapy created a manly mental health assessment that doesn’t require words—only bullets. Introducing shootable mental health assessments that put the biggest issues men face right in the crosshairs.
Allow me to demonstrate. Bullseyes.
If your results look any different than mine, or you’re just feeling off target, Man Therapy can help. Take the 18 point head inspection at