What is the value of zero.
Is it nothing?
Imagine zero dependency on foreign oil.
Zero pollutants in our environment.
Zero depletion of the ozone.
Suddenly, zero starts adding up.
Which is why we at Nissan
built a car inspired by zero.
Because zero is worth more than nothing.
Zero is worth everything.
The zero-gas, 100%-electric Nissan Leaf.
Innovation for the planet.
Innovation for all.
Is it nothing?
Imagine zero dependency on foreign oil.
Zero pollutants in our environment.
Zero depletion of the ozone.
Suddenly, zero starts adding up.
Which is why we at Nissan
built a car inspired by zero.
Because zero is worth more than nothing.
Zero is worth everything.
The zero-gas, 100%-electric Nissan Leaf.
Innovation for the planet.
Innovation for all.