Under Armour, "Yusra Mardini”

Year (Maybe)

I shouldn't be alive today. I should have been killed by the bomb that hit the pool in Damascus. I should have drowned in the Mediterranean Sea. I should have been one of the many faceless refugees who died along the way. But I am here. Alive. Because I kept moving. So many things tried to stop me. To break me. So many times something whispered, ”This. Now this will defeat you.” But I kept moving. Moving as I left my family behind. Moving through the fear when I was hiding in the forest. Moving through the sea, pulling a boat through the waves. And now, when my exhaustion rises, I remember. And my strength just rises higher. It says, “Greater things than this have tired to stop you.” And I keep moving. SUPER: Turn your pain into strength. SUPER: Yusra Mardini SUPER: I will.